Tech Problems Cheat Sheet

Technology Problems happen.

Contrary to popular belief- I am NOT a tech whiz. I am just REALLY good at following directions and finding solutions on YouTube and Google. That being said, I understand there may be tech issues with the guide from time to time. I created this Cheat Sheet for common solutions and steps about what to do and how you can be in touch with my team if it’s just NOT working.

Please understand there may be times that the program may not be available that may be out of my control. I apologize in advance for any stress or inconvenience this may cause. This does not entitle you to a refund. Sometimes programs or services shutdown for updates, or there’s just some weird error or glitch happening. Breathe, follow the steps in the Tech Problems Cheat Sheet and let my team know if you’re still having problems. We’ll figure it out together.

Tech Problems Cheat Sheet

  1. BREATHE - pause and take a deep breath. When we're stressing out, sometimes we forget or don't see the solution right there in front of us.
  2. Try Rebooting - Your system or program may need to just refresh or update. Try turning off and restarting your entire device that you're accessing this program on.
  3. Test it on another Browser - If you're using Chrome, try Safari. Not a Safari fan, try Firefox or Internet Explorer. The point is the program may not like the internet browser you're using so trying another one may help.
  4. If you're still having issues, go to to record the error and reach out to my team at [email protected] We will do our best to help you figure it out!

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